How can I get a quote or place an order?
You can send us request for quote or order on
info@impressionpunch.com or impressionpunch@gmail.com
When will you complete my order?
We will provide you with quote within 2 hours and with completed order with in 4 – 8 hours.
Are there any editing charges?
Not usually. But if we are requested to add some new part in old design then we will charge for that extra work. If we made a mistake then we will edit your design as many times as you want to get your full satisfaction.
Which software do you use?
We use Wilcom, Tajima, Richpeace, Rainbow and Melco etc.
Which formats to you provide?
Usually we provide with .DST format but we can also provide you with CND, PEC, EMB, ART, HUS, EXP, JEF, POF and many more as per requirement.
How will you deliver my order?
We will send your completed order by Email that you provide us.
How can I pay my bill?
You can pay your bill via PayPal, Credit/ Debit Card or direct Bank Transfer.
Is there any good offer for new customers?
Being new customer you get your 1st Design Digitized Free (max 10,000 stitches).
Can you perform patches/ 3D puff / appliqué?
With our professional Team of Digitizers we can do it.
What are minimum Prices and Standard Prices?
Our standard unit price is US $ 2 / 1000 stitches, Minimum charge is US $ 10.
I’ve a fear that you will sell my Designs.
We keep records of our customers extremely confidential. We don’t use or sell your designs to any one.
What about if the design don’t meet my satisfaction?
We will do any thing to get your satisfaction. In case you don’t like our work just let us know we will make sure that your work is done with high quality and you have no complains in future.